Translated by David James from Ghislain Forcier in Le Guide - Oct. 29, 2017
A race is taking shape for the mayoralty of Sutton. The past president of the Board of the former CSSS La Pommeraie, Michel Lafrance, is running as an independent candidate and is competing against outgoing Mayor Louis Dandenault.
A race is taking shape for the mayoralty of Sutton. The past president of the Board of the former CSSS La Pommeraie, Michel Lafrance, is running as an independent candidate and is competing against outgoing Mayor Louis Dandenault.
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The aspiring mayor chairs the La Pommeraie Local Service Area Health Network (PBL) User Committee, which is present in Bedford, Farnham, Cowansville and Sutton.
The aspiring mayor chairs the La Pommeraie Local Service Area Health Network (PBL) User Committee, which is present in Bedford, Farnham, Cowansville and Sutton.
Having moved to Sutton a decade ago, he also serves as vice-president of the Sutton Economic Development Corporation (CDES).
"I have always been involved in my community," said the 73-year-old. What motivates me is that instead of complaining, I try to understand, the issues, the complexity of things. It's never white or black, there are several gray areas, " he says.
His many volunteer hours with a variety of entities, community organizations, MRC, CLD, will allow him, he says, to deal with various issues. The candidate describes himself as someone who will be transparent and who will communicate more. "Today, we must dialogue”, he argues. “The citizens of Sutton want to be informed and to be heard. They want to be part of the decision.”
"And if there is anything I can blame on the outgoing Council, it is that it has not achieved this
objective of communication and citizen involvement."
Under his leadership, Sutton could diversify its economy and retain its youth. "We are a cultural recreational community. With climate change, we have no choice but to diversify our economy.” There is a shortage of staff, especially in catering. If we want to keep our young people, we must create opportunities for them, facilitate their transportation and give them access to affordable housing too," enumerates Mr. Lafrance.
In terms of health commitments, he mentions setting in motion the second phase of the Villa des
Monts, with a prosthetic unit, "not without going through the necessary feasibility studies" however.
The expansion of the GMF's Family Medicine Group could also be considered "to provide more services to an aging population." The debate surrounding the changes to the zoning and subdivision bylaws left its marks according to the aspiring mayor. "It has polarized our beautiful community, it is ow necessary to restore harmony, to find a consensus."
This is not Mr. Lafrance’s first try at municipal politics. In 2013, as a member of ‘Team 7 for Sutton’ headed by outgoing Mayor Pierre Pelland, he failed to get elected as a councillor, ceding 26.01% of notes to the winner, John Hawley.