lundi 6 juin 2016

Pollution: Baie Missisquoi Bay

Phosphore dans les cours d'eau: une soixantaine de fermes visées › La Voix de l'Est › Actualités le 02 juin 2016
(Bedford) Les agriculteurs dont les terres sont les plus touchées par des problèmes d'érosion dans la MRC Brome-Missisquoi obtiendront l'aide d'un agronome. Une soixantaine d'entre eux recevront la visite du professionnel lors des trois prochaines années pour les aider à corriger la situation. Ce projet spécial est l'initiative de l'Organisme de bassin versant de la baie Missisquoi.

New Project Maps High-Polluted Section Of Lake Champlain
Vermont Public Radio-May 30, 2016
The Missisquoi River basin is one of the most polluted sections in Lake Champlain, consistently failing to meet pollution limits. Now, a Franklin County project is developing new detailed forest maps to identify roads that might be contributing to phosphorus runoff. The conservation group Cold Hollow to Canada is teaming up with researchers from the University of Vermont to find previously unmapped roads in forest lands. They're using LIDAR data, which is gathered by flying over land, shooting down laser beams and recording their bounce-back reflections to get a detailed measure of the land features below.

Sediment-laden water flows down the Winooski River. There's no simple fix for keeping pollution out of the lake, in part due to the state's vast network of waterways, hilly landscape and unique geography.Why It's So Tough To Keep Nutrient Pollution Out Of Lake Champlain
Vermont Public Radio-Aug 24 , 2015
More than two-thirds of the problematic phosphorus overload in Lake Champlain comes from Vermont. To clean up its act the state recently signed Act 64, the Vermont Clean Water Act. It tackles runoff coming from sources varying from roofs and roads to forests and farms.
