... we analyse approximately 82,000 forest plots across the USA to show that both ectomycorrhizal-dominated and arbuscular mycorrhizal-dominated forests show relatively low tree diversity, while forests with a mixture of mycorrhizal strategies support a higher number of tree species. Our findings suggest that mycorrhizal dominance, rather than mycorrhizal type, shapes tree diversity in forests.
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Shan Luo et al - New Phytologist - 10 June 2024
... we tested tree species richness–community productivity relationships and the role of arbuscular (AM) or ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal-associated tree species in these relationships. Tree species richness had a positive effect on community productivity across experiments, modified by the diversity of tree mycorrhizal associations. In communities with both AM and ECM trees, species richness showed positive effects on community productivity, which could have resulted from complementarity between AM and ECM trees. Moreover, both AM and ECM trees were more productive in mixed communities with both AM and ECM trees than in communities assembled by their own mycorrhizal type of trees.