University of Vermont Extension - Oct 20, 2023
There's not a lot of evidence of cougars in Vermont. But wait, wildlife tracker, Mike Kessler thinks otherwise! Check out the ongoing mystery of catamounts in Vermont!
Aucune preuve scientifique de l'existence d'une population viable de cougars au Québec
Julie Vaillancourt - Radio-Canada - 29 mars 2019
« Tout ce qu’on dit, c’est qu’il y a des cougars et qu’on ne sait pas d’où ils viennent », rétorque François-Joseph Lapointe, cosignataire de l’étude et directeur du laboratoire d'écologie moléculaire et d'évolution de l’Université de Montréal, où ont eu lieu les analyses d’ADN des poils. « Si, hypothétiquement, il y a une population viable, on a besoin d’études supplémentaires, le Comité sur la situation des espèces en péril au Canada doit légiférer, c’est tout ce qu’on dit. »Vermont Historical Society
In the wild, catamounts ate deer and other animals. But in the 1800s, farmers had cut down many trees and turned forests into farms. Without the trees, there were not as many deer as before. The catamounts started eating sheep that lived on farms. The farmers and hunters killed the panthers to protect their sheep.
Louis-Gilles Francoeur - Le Devoir - 4 février 2005
Il avait disparu du Québec, du moins officiellement, dans les années 1925-30 ... Analyses d'ADN à la clé, le ministère des Ressources naturelles, de la Faune et des Parcs (MRNFP) a confirmé cette semaine sa présence dans au moins deux régions du Québec, au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean et dans la région de la vieille capitale ... Hélène Jolicoeur, biologiste responsable des dossiers du loup, de l'ours et maintenant des cougars au MRNFP, précise que les premiers rapports d'observation ont été faits au ministère vers 1955 ... Certaines observations vérifiées de cougars ont été faites grâce aux sites de frottage mis au point par la firme Envirotel de Sherbrooke.
ou vulnérables au Québec, Direction de la protection de la faune de l’Estrie et de Montréal-Montérégie
Out & About: Plainfield talk on mountain lions rekindles question of cougars
Liz Sauchelli - Feb 9, 2019 - Valley News (NH)
“More than wolves, more than bears, it’s my experience that people are much, much more interested in the whole phenomenon of the possibility that cougars can be here, probably because there’s a yearning that a lot of people have for something that’s really, truly wild and a landscape that can support an animal like that.”
On the ministry’s website, a statement says the presence of cougars in Quebec is still being questioned, but because there have been so many sightings in the southern portion of Quebec, it “leaves little doubt” about a presence in Quebec. DNA analysis of some fur left behind at one site confirmed the fur was from a cougar.
Eastern Cougar declared extinct, says U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
La présence de cougars est confirmée au Québec
Curiosité, enthousiasme et crainte
CBC News - Jun 17, 2015
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to remove the Eastern cougar from the endangered species list, declaring that the cougars have likely been extinct for at least 70 years. The last records of Eastern cougars are believed to be in Maine in 1938 and in New Brunswick in 1932 ... Biologist Bob Bancroft says a third of the cougars in the eastern regions of the U.S. are of South American descent, a third of North American descent and about a third are of unknown ancestry.
Mathieu-Robert Sauvé - Universite de Montreal - 2 sept 2014
Entre 2002 et 2004, 111 échantillons de poils prélevés dans les différents sites ont été analysés.
Le Duing Lang et al - Northeastern Naturalist - Sep 2013
Our analyses performed on 476 hair samples revealed 19 positive identifications of Cougars in Québec and New Brunswick.
Rick Rosatte et al - The Canadian Field-Naturalist - Oct 31 2014
Rick Rosatte - The Canadian Field-Naturalist - Mar 23 2011
The evidence presented in this paper indicates the presence in Ontario of free-ranging
Cougars of unknown origin.
Curiosité, enthousiasme et crainte
Etienne Fortin-Gauthier - La Voix de l'Est - 19 octobre 2012
Si la présence du cougar sur notre territoire n'est pas prouvée, le mystérieux félin alimente néanmoins bon nombre de conversations.
Eastern Cougar Foundation's combined statement 2007 - 16 Mar 2007
Hair samples were confirmed by DNA analysis by Dr. François-Joseph Lapointe at the University of Montreal Laboratory. Gauthier (2007B) said, “We cannot reveal the exact site, since our client choose to keep it confidential .”
Links/Liens: Cougar Rewilding Foundation
Hair samples were confirmed by DNA analysis by Dr. François-Joseph Lapointe at the University of Montreal Laboratory. Gauthier (2007B) said, “We cannot reveal the exact site, since our client choose to keep it confidential .”
Links/Liens: Cougar Rewilding Foundation