mercredi 6 décembre 2023

Victory Hill property becomes permanent conservation area

Victory Hill property becomes permanent conservation area
Abegael Giles - Vermont Public - December 6, 2023 
Parts of the newly protected land at Victory Hill will be restored as habitat for the state-endangered American marten, a member of the weasel family ... Two big swaths of land — roughly 600 acres — on Victory Hill in the Northeast Kingdom will now be permanently open to the public and protected from development. Shelby Semmes, who leads the Trust for Public Land in Vermont, says big stretches of conserved land are critical as plants and animals move north to adapt to climate change. "The Appalachian Mountain region is one of the most important corridors of movement for successful migration of species really in North America," Semmes says. The Trust for Public Land says they'll work to restore important habitat there for the state-endangered American marten, a member of the weasel family. Researchers have found marten populations in the Northeast Kingdom and part of the southern Green Mountain National Forest.

The North Star Monthly - Dec 13, 2023
Two key portions of Victory Hill, a remarkable 1,230-acre property in the Northeast Kingdom known for world-class recreation opportunities and its role within a surrounding “biological hotspot” have been permanently protected as of November 16, 2023.