samedi 4 mars 2017

Nigger Rock: des voix s'élèvent contre un changement d'appellation

Nigger Rock: des voix s'élèvent contre un changement d'appellation
Claude Hébert -  L'Avenir et des Rivières -  1 mars 2017
Après la Ligue des noirs du Québec, la Société d'histoire de Missisquoi et la municipalité de Saint-Armand, c'est maintenant au tour de la MRC de Brome-Missisquoi d'interpeller la Commission de toponymie du Québec en rapport avec cette affaire.

Nigger Rock, Quebec: What’s in a name?
Carmel Kilkenny - Radio-Canada International -   4 October, 2016
Nigger Rock is the name of one of eleven geographical sites in the province of Quebec that a group of mostly black people want changed. Understandably they find the name offensive. But Dan Philip, president of the Black Coalition of Quebec, does not agree. He wants the name to stay. He wants a better memorialization of the location and its history, and he says retaining the word “nigger” is part of that.
 La reconnaissance de Nigger Rock comme site historique demandée
Morgan Lowrie - La Presse - 01 octobre 2016
Un cimetière situé à Saint-Armand, en Montérégie, où des esclaves noirs auraient été enterrés devrait être officiellement reconnu comme un site historique, soutient un groupe de défense des droits des Noirs et des conseillers municipaux montréalais.

Black rights group wants to formally recognize 'Nigger Rock'
Morgan Lowrie - - Oct 01, 2016
A Quebec cemetery where black slaves are believed to be buried should be formally recognized as a historical site, say a black rights group and some Montreal city councillors.

Quebec Heritage Web - 2014
Directions: Ch. Saint-Armand. On a clear day, “Nigger Rock” is visible to the south, across a farmer’s field, from this road between Saint-Armand and Philipsburg. Not far from the Luke Cemetery, on the same property.

Robert J. Galbraith -  2009

Slavery in Saint Armand
Matthew Farfan - - February 19, 2003
Saint-Armand has received a great deal of attention in recent years for the large outcrop of rock known as "Nigger Rock," which, according to local tradition, was a burial ground for slaves two centuries ago.