Don't mess with our mountain: Sutton residents
Montreal Gazette-Aug 30, 2015
A group of 24 Sutton residents is taking legal action against the town, saying council is illegally trying to modify zoning bylaws that would “fundamentally change residents’ quality of life.” Robert Benoît, a resident of 25 years and plaintiff listed in the court motion, says the town has sided with a “handful” of developers instead of listening to what residents want and have always agreed upon.
Modification des règlements d'urbanisme à Sutton : la Cour ...Montreal Gazette-Aug 30, 2015
A group of 24 Sutton residents is taking legal action against the town, saying council is illegally trying to modify zoning bylaws that would “fundamentally change residents’ quality of life.” Robert Benoît, a resident of 25 years and plaintiff listed in the court motion, says the town has sided with a “handful” of developers instead of listening to what residents want and have always agreed upon. - Aug 25, 2015
Incapable de faire fléchir le conseil municipal de Sutton, un groupe de citoyens vient de saisir la Cour supérieure d'une requête pour qu'elle casse et annule deux règlements changeant de grands pans de son plan d'urbanisme. Le Regroupement pour un développement durable à Sutton a déposé une requête en ce sens la semaine dernière.
Citizens' group asks court to put brakes on bylaws
Matthew McCully - Sherbrooke Record - Aug 25, 2015
A citizens group known as Regroupement pour un développement durable à Sutton (RDDS) is moving forward with legal action against the town of Sutton regarding proposed bylaws 254 and 256. Represented by lawyer Benoit Galipeau of the Archer legal group in Granby, the RDDS is filing a motion to initiate proceedings for a declaration of cessation and nullity regarding the bylaws, as well as a request for an interlocutory injunction to halt any attempts by the town to move forward with the bylaws before a judgment is reached.
Changements aux règles d'urbanisme: Sutton amenée devant les tribunaux
Ghyslain Forcier - Le Guide - le 24 août 2015
Le projet de changement de zonage et de lotissement à Sutton se transporte devant les tribunaux. Un groupe de 24 citoyens s'opposant au virage a déposé une requête en injonction contre la Ville en Cour supérieure du Québec, avec l'intention d'empêcher cette dernière d'aller de l'avant.